About The Staff
Heather Gann is our front office assistant. She is here to help you with everything from scheduling your appointment to payment arrangements. We are a preferred provider for most insurance plans including Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare and Medicare. She will help you with any coverage questions. She will also help you with a reasonable payment plan if you have no insurance coverage. Heather will find answers for any questions you may have in these areas. Leah Hopper is Dr. Nate’s assistant. She will be your “hands on helper.” She works closely with the doctor and you to see that your recommended treatment plan is followed throughout your program of care. Leah will help with all your supportive care, including necessary therapeutic applications. Cathy Alexander is trained to help with your wellness care. She will assist you with any program recommendations for nutritional support, diet, rehabilitation and fitness programs. OUR STAFF IS HERE FOR YOU www.goimpulse.com www.logan.edu |